Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Future of Mobility

This is how the future of cars should be. Even the economics of possessing a car should change.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Books Wish List

Here's some of the books that I've been itching to get my hands on of late;


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Read For Graduate Students

As I've just embarked on my PhD and thus I'm compiling a list of some good read for potential or current graduate studies student.

Hope some of this articles would be of use and benefit to you as well:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Google Wave

This new product from Google will blow your mind.
Check the demo below. Beware, it is about 1 and a half hours long...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Google Squared

Grown Up Digital

In his new book, Grown Up Digital, Don Tapscott talks about how the new generation of youths are coming into the world with a whole new skill sets and expectations. Check out his interview with Rocketboom.

Its an interesting topic given that our generation practically live and eat on technology and what does that mean to the world (the older generation) and to the society as moves ahead into the 21st century.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Faulty RAM

It is indeed SAD. I've wasted my whole weekend figuring out what the problem is with the new laptop and all the error messages that appeared (including Blue Screens) did not hit to 1 specific cause, until eventually I ran the Diagnostics application that's provided by DELL itself with the laptop. That than gave a clear indication that the error was caused by the memory. So after a long 1 hours on the phone, Dell has decided to send over a replacement. Counting the days now to my replacement RAM.